Friday, August 10, 2012

Time Ticking

It's been ages since I suppress myself to write. I thought I can easily escape the world of writing, but unfortunately, I cannot. Writing is a big deal for me.

Its been an escape from reality, It is an expression of myself. Through writing, I can unload myself of the negative feelings I have. It became a depressant to me. But suddenly, writing became a big load for me; I hate it for a long time, those times where I felt I was lost and uncertain about my life. The time when I don't know where to find myself. Today, I got the courage to rebuild it again, to re built myself again. To express and share myself to the world I once knew. A midst the chaos inside me, I know, I found myself again. And this is the beginning of it. I will try to write again, to share my little self to the world. And I hope this world that once comforted me will still welcome me and listen to me like those old days.

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