Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My journey

Contentment is what I feel every time I look back to my life.
My life was not a perfect journey, but it was a happy one. 
It made me who I am today.

I spent my childhood years playing outside with friends.
I learn to trust my playmates and to forgive my enemies.
I learn to laugh really hard until my tummy aches. 
I tripped and learned to heal the wounds.
I got stinky and dirty but I learned on my own.

Through high school,
I learn the feeling of crushes and love at first sight.
I learn the feeling of losing a good friend from losing a fake one.
I learn the different kinds of Friend, true friends, fake one, friends with benefits and friends that turns to be an enemy behind your back.
Everything about friendship takes place. 

College life came and changes me big time.
I know the feeling of living alone and to trust a stranger.
I know the feeling of crying alone and to long for a mother and father. 
I know how great the pain true love will give you when it comes to a sudden halt.
I fought a battle several times, I lose more than I win.
I learned how to strengthen my defenses and I learn to fight alone. 
I know the feeling of being wild, young and free.
And above all this, I learn to love myself more.

Now that college is over and I’m in a real world already, 
I find it amusing how some of my friends never learned to grow up.
They are the way they are when I met them.
And they stayed that way no matter how long the journey seems.

I took a different path from them. And that way, I learned really hard.
I jump out of my comfort zone and face the fears in my life.
I learned life the hard way and that change me big time.
I gain my own wisdom and I learned my own strength
I saw a life in different perspective. 

Jumping out of my comfort zone made a big difference.
Maybe if I don’t have the courage, I won’t be this way. 

I am not a perfect person; I have my own flaws and indifference.
But as far as today I can say, I am better and I am stronger than I was.

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