January 25, 2014,was one of the significant day at my son's life. He was baptist and became part of Christian world.
What I like most of all, is throwing party. I want it elegant, well prepared and the one that people will talk over. I throw party once in a while, especially when it involved my children. I prefer organizing parties for them.
I usually plan parties ahead of time, I hate cramming for a party when it's supposed to be special. From deciding for the venue, foods, souvenirs and small stuff as costumes and balloons I want it well prepared.
At the end, we decided to throw the party at my place and just hired a caterer. the caterer was great, they took care of everything, even the decorations. The place turns out to be a little bit extra ordinary.
The family baker was not available at that time, so I have to look for another option for the cake. And since I love cupcakes too much, I cannot go on without it. Good thing the option was also as good as ours and it was also cheaper than the one in the market. Thanks to my friend for sharing his Baker with me.
Souvenirs and invitations are one of the exciting part of a party. Since a planned it ahead of time, I had an ample time deciding for the best one. So this is what I decided and took long period of time. But atleast it arrived in time.
As Filipino as we are, one of our best delicacy is lechon. We could go on without it, but once in a life time party would not hurt us anyway.
The event was over, but the joy it brought to us will stay longer. I would like to thank all the people involved. the avp catering service, the garcias lechon, the little clay creations and the superlicious bakeshop. Until we meet again.