Sunday, July 14, 2013

A gift

After our second big row as a married couple, we are given another blessing, a second baby. Yes, after a few days of tiff and rows I found myself pregnant to our second child. It's due on October and I'm six months pregnant by now.

It is a difficult pregnancy though compared to my first one. Unlike it, I already had a feeling that I am pregnant even before it turns one month. I suffered a lot of hyper acidity, constipation, I vomit non stop and my immune system drops down to zero, leaving me with runny nose, cough and flu. It was not a joke when i say I give up on it. I never experience any of it from the first one. But somehow,I gain strength and surpass it.

Now that it is six months already I don't experience those things anymore but I still don't enjoy some foods like chocolates, ice cream and spicy foods. It was a very complicated journey,now I know what they mean when they say pregnancy is hard.

I had my ultrasound already and I found out that this is a baby boy. I really feel so blessed and lucky that God still give me a baby boy. Now I have a perfect family, the one that I wanted. And I thank God for giving me another chance, another hope and another me to share in this world.

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