Saturday, December 22, 2012

My dad's single, abrupt decision, that drastically change my life. I don't really knew his plan, but I know deep inside it is for the best of everyone.

It frighten me just thinking about it, I don't really know if I'm ready for this. Nobody knows why he made this sudden decision, we had several explanation of our own, but nobody can actually tell. It frightens me, us, everybody around him.

This is very unusual of him.

He is only 53, too young to retired from his own beloved business and he commands me to take charge of it. He is simply giving it to me, to handle it on my own. The trust is so delicate I'm afraid to touch it, it might crash easily. He still  take care of the accounting and the orders but everything that happens inside the store is my concern.

I know, i can handle this, as long as he is there, i know everything will be okay.

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