Sunday, January 20, 2013

my step sister turns 18

shane, my half sister turns 18, to make her day a little bit especial, i bought her a cake. A simple gift that made her day a little bit special.

We didn't have a feast for her, but like all we did, she treats her friends out.
The real plan was to treat her friends in a restuarant name eat all you can, so we can pop up and suprise her with the cake. But when the driver came back, he told us that shane and her friends went to the mall and not to the restaurant that we planned. So we hurried ourselves to reach her just right in time. But when we are on our way she texted my dad that she and her friends are in the waterfront mall, not thw same mall where the driver drop them.

When we are in the waterfront mall, i called her just to make sure she's there. And we pop up to the restuarant where thay dine in.

she was suprise when she saw us, she never expected us to be there. so, we sing her a happy birthday and blew her candle.

A little act of kindness that made her day special.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I believe that my 2012 is a very meaningful one. I done things I never done before and went to places I never been. I learned a lot of this through books and experiences and I learn life as a thing.

I sum it up so that i will never forget how wonderful that year turns out.

(1) I celebrated my 25th birthday at home
(2) I cooked my first pasta and they named it 'carbonara ala tita babes'
(3) We went to Caramoan Island with my family
(4) Went an escortion with my hubby's family at Balerite Resort
(5) Reach kawawa in Ligao city
(6) Met some of my hubby's relatives
(7) started selling load for prepaid sim cards
(8) tried an effective slimming pills and started selling those pills
(9) learned that I have a step sister and now she's living with us
(10) Finally got my drivin license
(11) Drove a red SUV and enrolled myself to driving school
(12) eat my first Krispy Kremes
(13) Had a tattoo
(14) started earning few pesos on my own
(15) Cooked for my in-laws (its only a roasted chicken, I'm not a real cook)
(16) Start blogging again
(17) Been to Singapore with my mom and sister
(18) rode an elephant
(19) I spread love by giving cake to special people around me.
(20) Had my first real fight as a wife.

Now that 2012 is over, I bid you goodbye, Thank you for coming by. I hope you are a start of good years ahead and please tell 2013 to be nice to me and everyone else