Thursday, August 27, 2015


         I was about to start to share my venture in the baking world, when unexpected thing happened. How could I write about something so happy when I completely feels the other way around?
        So maybe I would just share some of my thoughts today, maybe it will ease the pain I feel.

       Let me start this blog with a question, How would you feel if your own husband makes you feel so worthless? would you cry? laugh at it? or simply ignore it?

       Well, I cried and hated him and cried and fought and cried and now I simply feel calm. Then I realize, somethings are just inevitable. People no matter who they are will hurt you, no matter how you love them or hated them they will  hurt you the same way.

        It's started the way it is, he started texting the same girl who almost ruined our marriage two years ago. That same girl who makes me feel pain, the pain deep inside your heart. I talked to both of them, that it is insulting that they are texting each other, giving each other loads and calling each other. I explain my side, but they didn't stop. 

      Then it sinks in me, the girl was so important to him that he doesn't even care if it is hurting me, her wife, the one he should be defending. He loves her, more than he loves me. the truth that i have to hold inside me. The fact that makes me question everything. after all the sacrifices and pain, it was not worth it after all.

     How could I ease the pain of truth? I really don't know myself. I wanted to heal so fast that pretending that everything is fine is the least i could do. But crying every night never ease the pain you feel deep inside your heart. The pain that nobody knows how to stop. If only one tablet of ibuprofen will make the pain go away. if only drinking coffee can makes me better.

      I cried myself to sleep for the past nights, hoping that when i wake up, the pain will be gone. but it will just go numb, and when the night comes, tears will flow, expressing the pain that the heart cannot longer hold.

      He was one of those people that will never change. another fact that i have to go through. Lying, cheating are some of the things he do the best. I cannot change him, i am not meant for him after all. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Movies 2015

Last year, I promise to watch as many movies as I can, but I failed. Now I have enough free time to do it and hopefully just hoping that it will continue from the rest of the year.

Here are the list of the movies I watch this year. They are not all new, but this is the year I finally watch them.

1. The spirit warrior: the horse of      Cameron
2. The miracle on cell no. 7
3. Pompeii
4.she's dating the gangster

5. Maleficent
6. Hobbit: the unexpected journey
7. Hobbit: the battle of five armies
8.Hobbit: the desolation of smaug
9. That thing called tadhana
10. Fifty shades of grey
11.the soul surfer
12. a hundred foot journey
13.the fault in our star
14. Hercules
15.halik sa hangin
16. bog hero 6


Friday, January 2, 2015

Realization and learnings of 2014

Yeah, 2014 was over, it left me hanging, 
But no matter how bad it looks, there's still something good with it. 

1. I lost my job yet it opened a new gate of learning, I had my first certificate for accomplishing a baking class.

2. I lost my job, but I had time for my two angels.

3. No matter what happened, family is still family. After having a misunderstanding with my aunt, still she's the one who helped me financially with my new venture in life

4. People never change. In laws and their Own craps. How I wish they are not part of my life, but I can't change that. They exist to challenge my patience and compassion. To forgive but to never forget.

5.anger and jealousy is never a good companion. It doesn't hurt anybody but yourself. It will consume you and left you with nothing. 

It's not a better year, but the following
Year can be better. Just never drop the hope and never stop believing. Cause no matter what shit your in, you can still stand up. Because that's the way life is, it is never that easy but it can't be that worst either.

Cheering for a better year ahead of me

Thursday, March 27, 2014

One year down

My daughter graduated from nursery and I'm so proud of her. I never thought she will made it. She was too young and so playful. But she actually did it.

All my efforts and all those struggles that I have to go through are now worth it. She can write her name already, write the alphabet, although it not yet that perfect and she can sing and dance proudly.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

My big friend

My best buddy went home for a short visit. And we usually spent time together catching up. We used to do this every now and then, but unfortunately we have to live In Separate region now. But when she visits, we never failed catching up.

But of course, we are both a pizza lover, so we usually had a pizza night.